Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit 1997 24 years old

Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit 1997

"Saturday Night Live" alum Rob Schneider brings his offbeat humor to the sexy SI annual Swimsuit video as he frolics on the beaches with models like Vendela and Stacey Williams. Visit Turkey with sultry Tyra Banks. Explore the rainforest with mysterious Naomi Campbell. Dance on a desert island with Niki Taylor. It's old favorites, fresh faces and a whole lot of fun. Featured models: Tyra Banks, Niki Taylor, Naomi Campbell, Vendela, Stacey Williams, Eva Herzigova, Valeria Mazza, Steffi Graf.


Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit 1997 Cast

Name Character
Rob Schneider He was 36, now 60 years old as Host
Naomi Campbell She was 30, now 54 years old as Herself
Laetitia Casta She was 22, now 46 years old as Herself
Tyra Banks She was 26, now 50 years old as Herself
Eva Herzigová She was 27, now 51 years old as Herself
Navia Nguyen She was 27, now 51 years old as Herself
Dewey Nicks He was 39, now 63 years old as Photographer

Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit 1997 Crew

Name Department
Rob Schneider as Writer. He was 36 (now 60) years old Writing
Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit 1997 poster
Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit 1997 (24 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, September 05, 2000
  • Runtime: 105 minutes