A Gasoline Engagement 112 years old

A lost film. Flora Powell and Arthur Lennox are lovers, but the girl's stern father has other plans for his daughter, preferring the Rev. John Maxwell for a son-in-law. Arthur receives a note from Flora informing him her father is to take her on an automobile tour in company with the minister. Arthur proves to be a resourceful young man and he visits the automobile garage, and makes an arrangement to drive the car in which the tour is made.


A Gasoline Engagement Cast

Name Character
Owen Moore He was 24, 52 years old when he died as Arthur Lennox
Mary Pickford She was 18, 86 years old when she died as Flora Powell
William Robert Daly He was 40, now 153 years old as Mr. Powell - Flora's Father
George Loane Tucker He was 31, 41 years old when he died as Rev. John Maxwell

A Gasoline Engagement Crew

Name Department
Thomas H. Ince as Director. He was 28 (42) years old when He died Directing
A Gasoline Engagement (112 years)

  • Release day: Monday, July 10, 1911
  • Runtime: 10 minutes