As Divas Negras do Cinema Brasileiro 35 years old

Interviews and performances with black women on film, theater and television who narrate their lives, careers, discrimination and struggles in the Brazilian artistic world. Starring actresses Zezé Motta, Ruth de Souza, Léa Garcia, Zenaide Zen and Adele Fátima, as well as activist Lélia Gonzáles.


As Divas Negras do Cinema Brasileiro Cast

Name Character
Léa Garcia She was 55, now 91 years old
Ruth de Souza She was 67, 98 years old when she died
Zezé Motta She was 45, now 80 years old
Adele Fátima She was 34, now 70 years old

As Divas Negras do Cinema Brasileiro Crew

Name Department
As Divas Negras do Cinema Brasileiro poster
As Divas Negras do Cinema Brasileiro (35 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, January 01, 1989
  • Runtime: 57 minutes