Blood and Bone China 12 years old

It's 1897 and a city is in turmoil; poor souls are being taken, vanishing without a trace. When the local doctor disappears, word travels to his brother, a young country vet by the name of Newlyn Howell. Spurred on to discover the macabre truth by the enigmatic Alexander Pyre, Newlyn stumbles into a twisted web of deception, murder... and villainous vampires.


Blood and Bone China Cast

Name Character
Anthony Miles as Newlyn Howell
David Lemberg as Linus Hemlock
Rachel Shenton She was 24, now 36 years old as Anna Fitzgerald
John James Woodward He was 50, now 63 years old as Alexander Pyre

Blood and Bone China Crew

Name Department
Chris Stone as Director. He was 77 (81) years old when He died Directing
Blood and Bone China (12 years)

  • Release day: Friday, February 10, 2012
  • Runtime: 107 minutes