Hana yori Dango (花より男子) 27 years old

Set in an alternative timeline to the manga and animated TV series, the movie features a classic Cinderella story told through the medium of '80s dance. Tsukushi Makino is a trainee dancer in a New York Performance group, struggling to become the star of the show with the help of Rui Hanazawa and Tsukasa Dōmyōji.


Hana yori Dango Cast

Name Character
Keiko Imamura She was 23, now 50 years old

Hana yori Dango Crew

Name Department
Yoko Kamio as Comic Book. She was 30 (now 58) years old Writing
Hana yori Dango poster
Hana yori Dango (27 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, March 08, 1997
  • Runtime: 30 minutes