Enter... Zombie King! 20 years old

Ulysses, a professional wrestler, is going to watch another fight in which a wrestler is up against a horde of zombies. One of the zombies kills a waitress and Ulysses and his friends decide to take matters into their own hands and track down the origins of the creatures.


Enter... Zombie King! Cast

Name Character
Jules Delorme as Ulysses
Jim Neidhart He was 48, 63 years old when he died as Sheriff Logan
Jennifer Thom as Mercedes

Enter... Zombie King! Crew

Name Department
Bill Marks as Producer. Production
Bill Marks as Writer. Writing
Stacey Case as Director. Directing
Adam Swica as Director of Photography. Camera
Steve Solomos as Producer. Production
Stephen Skratt as Original Music Composer. Sound
Enter... Zombie King! poster
Enter... Zombie King! (20 years)

  • Release day: Monday, July 07, 2003
  • Runtime: 76 minutes