Home Sweet Home (Shtepi e embla shtepi) 7 years old

Agron disappeared for years during the war, missing in action and presumed dead. When he suddenly re- turns home one night, his family are shocked: How will they tell the others about his return? Many projects have been undertaken in the village in the name of Agron’s ‘heroic death’. If he shows up alive it will create many problems for the beneficiaries of the project: his family is receiving financial help as the family of a martyr and has raised loans on the basis of this income. Now Agron has two choices: either to show up in public or to wait for the projects to end. A month passes and Agron is at home while a statue is being erected in the local schoolyard. He has made his decision...


Home Sweet Home Cast

Name Character
Donat Qosja He was 42, now 50 years old as Agron
Shkumbin Istrefi He was 47, now 55 years old as Bashkim

Home Sweet Home Crew

Name Department
Donat Qosja as Casting. He was 42 (now 50) years old Production
Home Sweet Home (7 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, September 01, 2016
  • Runtime: 90 minutes