Hotel for Strangers (Hotel pro cizince) 57 years old

A gifted poet checks into a Gothic hotel in hopes of meeting the woman with whom he has long been enamored. He is surrounded by a variety of offbeat characters like the hefty homosexual cook, shadowy clerks, snooty waiters, and valets prone to violence. He finally meets the woman of his dreams only to lose her and ultimately meet with tragedy.


Hotel for Strangers Cast

Name Character
Ladislav Mrkvička He was 28, now 85 years old as Vladimír
Vladimír Šmeral He was 63, 78 years old when he died as Blech
Jiří Menzel He was 29, now 86 years old as Pot-boy
Evald Schorm He was 35, 56 years old when he died as Curate
Jiří Kodet He was 29, 67 years old when he died as Jiří
Waldemar Matuška He was 34, 76 years old when he died as Otomar
Petr Čepek He was 26, 54 years old when he died as Petr Hudec
Jan Libíček He was 35, 42 years old when he died as Hynek
Josef Somr He was 33, now 90 years old as Receptionist
Jiří Pleskot He was 45, 75 years old when he died as Hotel trustee
Jiřina Jirásková She was 36, 81 years old when she died as Marie
Jan Kačer He was 30, now 87 years old as Narrator (voice)
Evelyna Steimarová She was 22, now 79 years old as Ruzena (as Evelyna Juhanová)

Hotel for Strangers Crew

Name Department
Ivan Šlapeta as Director of Photography. He was 29 (now 86) years old Camera
Svatopluk Havelka as Original Music Composer. He was 42 (83) years old when He died Sound
Hotel for Strangers poster
Hotel for Strangers (57 years)

  • Release day: Friday, March 24, 1967
  • Runtime: 103 minutes