At War for Love (In guerra per amore) 7 years old

At War for Love

It's 1943 and World War II is raging in Europe. In New York, Arturo and Flora the daughter of a restaurant owner are in love, but she is promised in marriage to the son of a Mafia boss. There is a way around this, but to be able to marry Flora, Arturo needs to get permission from her father, who lives in a village in Sicily. Arturo doesn't have any money, so the only way he can get to Sicily is to enlist in the U.S. Army, which is preparing for a landing on the island.


At War for Love Cast

Name Character
Miriam Leone She was 31, now 39 years old as Flora
Andrea Di Stefano He was 43, now 51 years old as Philip Catelli
Mario Pupella He was 58, now 66 years old as Don Tano
Salvatore Ragusa as Tommaso Lo Presti
Aurora Quattrocchi She was 73, now 81 years old as Annina

At War for Love Crew

Name Department
Roberto Forza as Director of Photography. He was 59 (now 66) years old Camera
Marco Martani as Screenplay. He was 48 (now 56) years old Writing
Mario Gianani as Producer. He was 46 (now 54) years old Production
At War for Love poster
At War for Love (7 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, October 27, 2016
  • Runtime: 99 minutes