Jag skall bli Sveriges Rembrandt eller dö! 33 years old

"I Will Become Sweden's Rembrandt or Die!" - About the life and art of the Swedish painter Ernst Josephson (1851-1906), his many travels in Europe and about the psychological crisis in 1885 which changed Josephson's artistry completely.


Jag skall bli Sveriges Rembrandt eller dö! Cast

Name Character
Gustav Kling He was 44, now 78 years old
Ulf Friberg He was 28, now 61 years old as Edvard Casparsson
Thomas Roos He was 44, now 78 years old as The critic
Magnus Nilsson He was 42, now 76 years old as Voice of Ernst Josephson (voice)

Jag skall bli Sveriges Rembrandt eller dö! Crew

Name Department
Jag skall bli Sveriges Rembrandt eller dö! (33 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, October 04, 1990
  • Runtime: 90 minutes