Jocaste 99 years old

Following her father's advice, Hélène Haviland (Sandra Milovanoff) accepts the marriage proposal of Fellaire de Sizac (Abel Tarride). Later she finds Dr. Groult (Henri Fabert), one of their friends, trying to kill her husband by poisoning slowly over a long period of time. It's painful but she keeps silence...


Jocaste Cast

Name Character
Sandra Milovanoff She was 32, 64 years old when she died as Hélène Haviland
Simone Mareuil She was 21, 51 years old when she died as Maîtresse de Fellaire de Sizac
Gabriel Signoret He was 46, 58 years old when he died as Martin Haviland
Abel Tarride He was 60, 85 years old when he died as Fellaire de Sizac
Thomy Bourdelle He was 34, 81 years old when he died as Dr. René Longuemarre

Jocaste Crew

Name Department
Anatole France as Story. He was 81 (80) years old when He died Writing
Henri Stuckert as Cinematography. Crew
Jocaste (99 years)

  • Release day: Friday, May 15, 1925