Kontrolnaya po Chudesam (Контрольная по чудесам) 18 years old

The young witch Victoria has three tasks to accomplish to avoid being expelled from the witch school. In the land of fairytale, in the Three-times-ninth kingdom, the tsar Yesenya needs help retrieving a magic Seeing Apple. In the Three-times-tenth kingdom, the king Reginald the 64th has disappeared. And in the Three-times-fourteenth kingdom, king Olaf needs to remove a spell from his daughter.


Kontrolnaya po Chudesam Cast

Name Character
Ivan Perepyolkin as Vanya
Aleksandra Putrya as Masha
Valentina Tolstova as Viktoria

Kontrolnaya po Chudesam Crew

Name Department
Natalia Polyanskaya as Director. Directing
Kontrolnaya po Chudesam (18 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, June 06, 2006
  • Runtime: 80 minutes