My True Love, My Wound (Mon bel amour, ma déchirure) 37 years old

An intensive, eager adore tie together two very separate individuals. Catherine, a young celebrity, is very severe about her aspiring career. But she is overloaded by Patrick's aggressive sexuality. This idol of the slums gambles his lifetime not even close to the theater community of Catherine. They each maintain going furthering their love, not able to manage the circumstance.


My True Love, My Wound Cast

Name Character
Catherine Wilkening She was 23, now 60 years old
Mouss Diouf He was 22, 47 years old when he died
Philippe Manesse
Stéphane Ferrara He was 30, now 67 years old
Véronique Barrault She was 34, now 71 years old
Jacky Sigaux

My True Love, My Wound Crew

Name Department
Romano Musumarra as Original Music Composer. He was 30 (now 67) years old Sound
José Pinheiro as Director. He was 48 (now 85) years old Directing
José Pinheiro as Writer. He was 48 (now 85) years old Writing
My True Love, My Wound poster
My True Love, My Wound (37 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, June 16, 1987
  • Runtime: 90 minutes