My Movie Girl 7 years old

Everything Adam knows about love, he learned from the movies. Unfortunately, Adam is no Cary Grant, and the closest he's come to experiencing true romance is one drunken night with his unrequited love, Kate. But that evening failed to live up to Adam's expectations, so he casts himself and Kate in a movie recreation of their one night, hoping for a better ending. It's a total flop, and Adam is forced to cast a new Kate when she no longer wants any part of her part. But re-casting Kate leads to an ending that even Adam never saw coming, in this playful comedy about love, movies, and how our love of movies affects how we love.


My Movie Girl Cast

Name Character
Mackenzie Firgens She was 49, now 49 years old as Vivian
Jena Hunt as Norma
Melanie Case She was 46, now 46 years old as Louise
Ian McConnel as Max
Seng Chen as Confused Wedding Guy / Crew Member

My Movie Girl Crew

Name Department
Seng Chen as Associate Producer. Production
Ian Reinhard as Executive Producer. Production
My Movie Girl poster
My Movie Girl (7 years)

  • Release day: Monday, December 12, 2016
  • Runtime: 83 minutes