Used Parts (Partes usadas) 17 years old

Ivan, a 14-year old boy, lives with his uncle Jaime, a mediocre dealer of used car parts. Both of them dream with a better life and are stashing away their money in order to emigrate ilegally to Chicago shortly. When Jaime realizes that he needs much more money than he expected in order to pay the "Coyote" that will help them cross the border, he decides to introduce his nephew into the world of car-part theft. Ivan learns quickly the know-how of his new trade and convinces Efrain, his best friend, to help him. The kids enjoy themselves together and carry out Jaime's orders skilfully until Ivan realizes that his uncle's intentions for the trip have changed since they first made their plans.


Used Parts Cast

Name Character
Damayanti Quintanar She was 24, now 42 years old
Alan Chávez He was 16, 18 years old when he died
Carlos Ceja
Pilar Padilla She was 36, now 54 years old

Used Parts Crew

Name Department
Used Parts poster
Used Parts (17 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, April 18, 2007
  • Runtime: 95 minutes