Partisan Priest (Križ in kladivo) 8 years old

Documentary drama Partisan Priest is based on the dramatic life story of Slovenian priest and partisan Jože Lampret. All his life, this uncompromising fighter for justice and equality strived to reconcile the irreconcilable: Christian practice and international socialism. In the end, he was betrayed by both – not the ideas, but by those who saw him as the enemy or merely the means to get what they wanted. A story which indirectly reflects the present day.


Partisan Priest Cast

Name Character
Ivo Ban He was 66, now 75 years old
Vlado Novak He was 63, now 72 years old

Partisan Priest Crew

Name Department
Partisan Priest (8 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, September 29, 2015
  • Runtime: 68 minutes