Phono 73: A Country and its Music (Phono 73: O Canto de um Povo) 19 years old

The most exciting live concert ever staged!

The biggest Brazilian historical festival of all time. The great cast of the 1973 Phonogram (now Universal Music) meets in three nights to protest against the curtailment of freedom of expression in those dark years of the dictatorship. With the images rescued in 2005, revealing exciting moments, containing the incredible presentations, it brings a team of all greatness and the opportunity to understand the path that Brazilian music has taken to the present day.


Phono 73: A Country and its Music Cast

Name Character
Caetano Veloso He was 62, now 82 years old
Gilberto Gil He was 62, now 82 years old
Chico Buarque He was 60, now 80 years old
Maria Bethânia She was 58, now 78 years old
Vinicius de Moraes He was 91, 66 years old when he died

Phono 73: A Country and its Music Crew

Name Department
Phono 73: A Country and its Music poster
Phono 73: A Country and its Music (19 years)

The most exciting live concert ever staged!

  • Release day: Sunday, January 02, 2005
  • Runtime: 35 minutes