POP-U-larity! 11 years old

Welcome to Penskeegee's 25th Annual POP-U-larity singing contest! Join our celebrity host, Marcellas Reynolds from the hit reality show 'Big Brother,' as our contestants compete to become Penskeegee's most POP-U-lar person! This years competitors include four-time diva champion Katrina Whitman aided by her loyal gay assistant Sebastian, cowboy Charlene Hornsby and her new age musical therapist Celeste, and housewife Marcia Anderson singing with her edgy performance artist son, Darque. Our contestants come from all walks of life and some from no walks of life. Each performance is as unique as the package it comes in. Because whatever they decide to do... There's no wrong way to be POP-U-lar!


POP-U-larity! Cast

Name Character
Michelle Ehlen She was 34, now 46 years old as Charlene

POP-U-larity! Crew

Name Department
Michelle Ehlen as Director. She was 34 (now 46) years old Directing
POP-U-larity! poster
POP-U-larity! (11 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, December 01, 2012
  • Runtime: 77 minutes