Rape Climax! (暴行クライマックス) 37 years old

Director Hisayasu Sato helmed this peculiar tale about a woman known as Locker Baby because she was left in a bus station locker as an infant. Locker Baby is raped by a man clad in black leather, traumatizing her still further, and driving her to sensory-deprivation therapy. Unfortunately, she is raped during the course of the therapy and becomes pregnant.


Rape Climax! Cast

Name Character
Shôichirô Sakata
Yutaka Ikejima He was 39, now 76 years old

Rape Climax! Crew

Name Department
Shouji Sakai as Editor. Editing
Hisayasu Satō as Director. He was 27 (now 64) years old Directing
Yoichi Shiga as Cinematography. Crew
Shirô Yumeno as Screenplay. Writing
Rape Climax! poster
Rape Climax! (37 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, April 01, 1987
  • Runtime: 65 minutes