Sesame Street: Elmo's Music Magic 13 years old

Fun Music DVD for Sesame Street fans (young and old) with performances by Garth, Sugarland and even Diana Krall

Kids will discover the magic of music along with Elmo in this delightful DVD. It features a special story where Elmo finds that with a wave of Abby's wand he can make everyone on Sesame Street Sing! Elmo and friends sing loud and soft, high and low, and all over Sesame Street! But what happens when everyone can't stop singing? Featuring music videos with many stars such as William, Jason Mraz and Feist, and favorite Sesame Street songs, children will want to move and sing along.


Sesame Street: Elmo's Music Magic Cast

Name Character
Fran Brill She was 64, now 77 years old
Stephanie D'Abruzzo She was 39, now 52 years old

Sesame Street: Elmo's Music Magic Crew

Name Department
Sesame Street: Elmo's Music Magic poster
Sesame Street: Elmo's Music Magic (13 years)

Fun Music DVD for Sesame Street fans (young and old) with performances by Garth, Sugarland and even Diana Krall

  • Release day: Tuesday, September 06, 2011
  • Runtime: 48 minutes