What Are You Doing Tonight? (Šta radiš večeras?) 36 years old

A three-part anthology film. 1) AMSTERDAM: Jovke and his two friends try to make some quick cash before going off to army. At the same time, he tries to establish communication both with his catatonic father and the girl he likes. 2) TIE REQUIRED: While drudging at the docks with two inseparable friends of his, Neša is waiting for a waiter's job at the bar where his mother works. After not being allowed to a birthday party, the trio decides to look for fun somewhere else. 3) ABSOLUTE PITCH: An unemployed paleonthologist spends his nights sewing dresses for his beloved one. When she sets off to countryside for work and doesn't call back, he becomes suspicious and decides to solve this sudden departure on his own.


What Are You Doing Tonight? Cast

Name Character
Vladan Dujović He was 25, now 61 years old as Vlada
Nikola Kojo He was 20, now 56 years old as Neša
Dragan Jovanović He was 22, now 58 years old as Jovke
Milan Erak He was 38, 44 years old when he died as Dača
Nenad Nenadović He was 23, now 59 years old as Švaba
Nebojša Ljubišić as Ljuba
Dejan Matić He was 25, now 61 years old as Mata
Renata Ulmanski She was 58, now 94 years old as Nemanjina majka
Teodora Stanković as Dragana
Slobodan Ćustić He was 30, now 66 years old as Vodnik / Policajac
Ružica Sokić She was 53, 79 years old when she died as Nešina majka
Anita Mančić She was 19, now 55 years old as Maja
Predrag Milinković He was 54, 64 years old when he died as Radnik na pristaništu

What Are You Doing Tonight? Crew

Name Department
Predrag Velinović as Director. Directing
Predrag Velinović as Writer. Writing
Janko Baljak as Director. He was 23 (now 59) years old Directing
Janko Baljak as Writer. He was 23 (now 59) years old Writing
What Are You Doing Tonight? (36 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, June 29, 1988
  • Runtime: 90 minutes