The Education of Style 12 years old

Ski film maker Eric Iberg is back with one goal: To bring style back to a sport that is being taken over by Evel Knievel robots. Super star skiers Phil Casabon and Henrik Harlaut team up with skiing icon Tanner Hall to educate the world on their perspectives of style. Title: The Education of Style Length: 32 minutes Release Date: August 14th 2012 Producer: Inspired Media Concepts Director: Eric Iberg Editor: Shane Nelson Filmed: Mike McLeod-North End Collective and more Athletes: Tanner Hall, Phil Casabon and Henrik Harlaut Presented By: Armada Supported By: Oakley, Dakine, Monster,,, D-Structure Pro Shop, mammoth Mountain, Whistler/Blackcomb, Mt Hood Timberline, Boreal Resort


The Education of Style Cast

Name Character
Tanner Hall He was 28, now 40 years old
Henrik Harlaut He was 20, now 32 years old
Phil Casabon

The Education of Style Crew

Name Department
Eric Iberg as Director. Directing
Eric Iberg as Producer. Production
The Education of Style (12 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, January 01, 2012