Center of attack (Центр нападения) 78 years old

At the height of the season, the famous football player leaves his team: he is a motorcycle designer and his presence at the factory is necessary. However, he does not give up football, but becomes the center of attack of the city team. His goalkeeper friend stubbornly regards the hero’s departure as a betrayal ...


Center of attack Cast

Name Character
Andrei Sova
Vitali Doronin He was 36, 66 years old when he died
Viktor Seleznyov He was 14, 83 years old when he died
Vladimir Lepko He was 47, 64 years old when he died

Center of attack Crew

Name Department
Semyon Derevyansky as Director. He was 43 (78) years old when He died Directing
Center of attack poster
Center of attack (78 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, June 25, 1946