Bakit May Pag-ibig Pa? 45 years old

This drama offers a rare chance to compare the styles of two major Filipino filmmakers. Ishmael Bernal directs the first episode from a screenplay by Jorge Arago, about a chance encounter between a spirited ex-nun and a dispirited architect played by Nora Aunor and Christopher de Leon. Celso Ad. Castillo helms the second episode from his own screenplay, tells the story of another chance encounter this time between Solly (Alona Alegre) and Chris (Romeo Vasquez), two former lovers.


Bakit May Pag-ibig Pa? Cast

Name Character
Nora Aunor She was 25, now 71 years old
Romeo Vasquez He was 40, 78 years old when he died
Alona Alegre She was 31, 70 years old when she died

Bakit May Pag-ibig Pa? Crew

Name Department
Ishmael Bernal as Director. He was 40 (57) years old when He died Directing
Iskho Lopez as Screenplay. Writing
Bakit May Pag-ibig Pa? (45 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, May 15, 1979
  • Runtime: 114 minutes