Young Dudes (骚人) 12 years old

Young Dudes

2012 Apocalypse is coming! Adam and Guy, two best friends lost at 30 years old, accidentally start a revolution on facebook, dressing up as Michael Jackson and calling people to join together as one in the name of Love. Unexpectedly, the mission spreads like wild fire and becomes a global phenomenon, so big that three "agents" kidnap Adam and take him to a spooky parallel universe. Secret Service? Aliens? These "agents" offer Adam the chance to escape out of Time and achieve immortality? Scam or reality, Adam is headed for an excellent adventure!


Young Dudes Cast

Name Character
Wang Bo-Chieh He was 22, now 34 years old as Adam
Tsuyoshi Abe He was 30, now 42 years old

Young Dudes Crew

Name Department
Yin-jung Chen as Director. She was 31 (now 43) years old Directing
Young Dudes poster
Young Dudes (12 years)

  • Release day: Friday, March 23, 2012
  • Runtime: 75 minutes