Stephen Glass Biography

American former journalist and paralegal (born 1972)For the Scottish football player and coach, see Stephen Gl* (footballer).For the Hungarian-British photographer, see Stephen Gl* (photographer).

Stephen Randall Gl* (born September 15, 1972) is an American former journalist. He worked for The New Republic from 1995 to 1998 until it was revealed many of his published articles were fabrications. An internal investigation by The New Republic determined the majority of stories he wrote either contained false information or were fic*ious.

Following the journalism scandal, Gl* pursued a career in law. Although he earned a Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center and p*ed the bar exam in New York and California, he was unable to become a licensed attorney in either state over concerns derived from his scandal. Gl* instead found work as a paralegal at the law firm Carpenter, Zuckerman & Rowley, serving as the director of special projects and trial-team coordinator.

Gl* made a brief return to writing when he fictionalized his story in his 2003 novel The Fabulist. The same year, the scandal was dramatized in the film Shattered Gl*, which is based on a Vanity Fair article of the same name and stars Hayden Christensen as Gl*.

Journalism career

Gl* grew up in a Jewish family in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park, and attended Highland Park High School. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania as University Scholar and was an executive editor of the student newspaper, The Daily Pennsylvanian. After his graduation, Gl* worked for the conservative Policy Review before being hired by The New Republic in 1995 as an editorial *istant. Soon after, the 23-year-old Gl* advanced to writing features. While employed full-time at TNR, he also wrote for other magazines including George, Rolling Stone, and Harper's; he also contributed to Public Radio International's (PRI) This American Life.

New Republic work

Gl* generally enjoyed loyalty from The New Republic staff. But his articles often relied on unnamed or partially identified sources, and several of his pieces prompted denials from their subjects.

In December 1996, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) was the target of a hostile article by Gl* *led "Hazardous to Your Mental Health". CSPI wrote a letter to the editor and issued a press release pointing out numerous inaccuracies and distortions and hinting at possible plagiarism. The organization Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) accused Gl* of falsehoods in his March 1997 article "Don't You D.A.R.E". In May 1997, Joe Galli of the College Republican National Committee accused Gl* of fabrications in "Spring Breakdown", his lurid tale of drinking and debauchery at the 1997 Conservative Political Action Conference. A June 1997 article called "Peddling Poppy" about a Hofstra University conference on George H. W. Bush drew a letter from Hofstra reciting errors in the story.

Through these allegations, The New Republic generally defended Gl*; editor Michael Kelly even demanded CSPI apologize to Gl*. Still, the magazine's majority owner and editor-in-chief, Martin Peretz, later said that his wife had told him that she did not find Gl*'s stories credible and had stopped reading them.


In the May 18, 1998, issue, The New Republic published a story by Gl* (by then an *ociate editor) en*led "Hack Heaven", purportedly telling the story of a 15-year-old hacker who had penetrated a company's computer network, then been hired by that company as a security consultant. The article opened as follows,

Ian Restil, a 15-year-old computer hacker who looks like an even more adolescent version of Bill Gates, is throwing a tantrum. "I want more money. I want a Miata. I want a trip to Disney World. I want X-Men comic number one. I want a lifetime subscription to Playboy:– and throw in Penthouse. Show me the money! Show me the money!:..."Across the table, executives from a California software firm called Jukt Micronics are listening and trying ever so delicately to oblige. "Excuse me, sir," one of the suits says tentatively to the pimply teenager. "Excuse me. Pardon me for interrupting you, sir. We can arrange more money for you."

Adam Penenberg, a reporter with Forbes magazine, endeavored to fact check the piece, in part to explain how "Forbes Digital had been scooped by a weekly political publication." Beyond Gl*'s story, Penenberg found no search results for "Jukt Micronics", and, when he made an inquiry to the California Franchise Tax Board, the tax board reported back that no such company had ever paid taxes. Penenberg also found that several other claims Gl* made in the article appeared to be false: Gl* claimed that law-enforcement officials in Nevada ran articles pleading with companies not to hire hackers, but Bob Harmon, Public Information Officer for the Nevada State Attorney General's Office, said no such ads ran. Gl* claimed that 21 states were considering a "Uniform Computer Security Act", which would "criminalize immunity deals between hackers and companies," but law enforcement officials and the National Conference of Commissions on Uniform State Laws were unaware of any such proposed legislation. Gl* claimed that there had been a computer-hacker conference in Bethesda, Maryland, sponsored by the "National *embly of Hackers", but the Forbes team "could not unearth a single hacker who had even heard of this outfit, let alone attended the conference."

On Friday, May 8, 1998, Forbes presented its full findings to Charles Lane, the lead editor of The New Republic. Lane had, to that point, been unaware of potential issues with the article. Lane had Gl* take him to a Hyatt Regency Hotel in Bethesda, Maryland, where Gl* had claimed the computer-hacker convention occurred. He found that the hotel's layout did not match the story's description, the building in which the piece said the event took place had not been open on the supposed day of the conference, and the restaurant where the hackers supposedly had a dinner banquet afterwards closed in the mid afternoon. Lane dialed a Palo Alto number provided by Gl* and spoke with a man who identified himself as a Jukt executive; when he realized that the "executive" was actually Gl*'s brother, he fired Gl*.

Lane later said:

We extended normal human trust to someone who basically lacked a conscience... We busy, friendly folks, were no match for such a willful deceiver... We thought Gl* was interested in our personal lives, or our struggles with work, and we thought it was because he cared. Actually, it was all about sizing us up and searching for vulnerabilities. What we saw as concern was actually contempt.


The New Republic subsequently determined that at least 27 of the 41 articles Gl* wrote for the magazine contained fabricated material. Some of the 27, such as "Don't You D.A.R.E.", contained real reporting interwoven with fabricated quotations and incidents, while others, including "Hack Heaven", were completely made up. In the process of creating the "Hack Heaven" article, Gl* had gone to especially elaborate lengths to thwart the discovery of his deception by TNR's fact checkers: creating a website and voice mail account for Jukt Micronics; fabricating notes of story gathering; having fake business cards printed; and even composing editions of a fake computer hacker community newsletter.

As for the balance of the 41 stories, Lane, in an interview given for the 2005 DVD edition of Shattered Gl*, said, "In fact, I'd bet lots of the stuff in those other 14 is fake too. ... It's not like we're vouching for those 14, that they're true. They're probably not either". Rolling Stone, George and Harper's also re-examined his contributions. Rolling Stone and Harper's found the material generally accurate yet maintained they had no way of verifying information because Gl* had cited anonymous sources. George discovered that at least three of the stories Gl* wrote for it contained fabrications. Gl* fabricated quotations in a profile piece and apologized to the article's subject, Vernon Jordan, an adviser to Bill Clinton when he was president. A court filing for Gl*'s application to the California bar gave an updated count on his journalism career: 36 of his stories at The New Republic were said to be fabricated in part or in whole, along with three articles for George, two articles for Rolling Stone and one for Policy Review. Gl* also later wrote a letter admitting he fabricated the article he wrote for Harper's and the company retracted the story (the publication's first retraction in 165 years).

Gl* had contributed a story to an October 1997 episode of the NPR program This American Life about an internship at George Washington's former plantation and another to a December 1997 episode about time he spent as a telephone psychic. The program subsequently removed both segments from the Archives section of its website "because of questions about truthfulness".

In 2003, Gl* briefly returned to journalism, writing an article about Canadian * laws for Rolling Stone. On November 7, 2003, Gl* participated in a panel discussion on journalistic ethics at George Washington University, along with the editor who had hired him at The New Republic, Andrew Sullivan, who accused Gl* of being a "serial liar" who was using "contrition as a career move".

It was very painful for me. It was like being on a guided tour of the moments of my life I am most ashamed of.

Stephen Gl*, reacting to Shattered Gl*

Depiction in other media

In 2003, Gl* published a fictionalized account of his time at the New Republic, the "biographical novel", The Fabulist. Gl* sat for an interview with the weekly news program 60 Minutes timed to coincide with the release of his book. The New Republic's literary editor, Leon Wieseltier, complained, "The creep is doing it again. Even when it comes to reckoning with his own sins, he is still incapable of nonfiction. The careerism of his repentance is repulsively consistent with the careerism of his crimes". One reviewer of The Fabulist commented, "The irony—we must have irony in a tale this tawdry—is that Mr. Gl* is abundantly talented. He's funny and fluent and daring. In a parallel universe, I could imagine him becoming a perfectly respectable novelist—a prize-winner, perhaps, with a bit of luck".

A film about the scandal, Shattered Gl*, was released in October 2003 and depicted a stylized view of Gl*'s rise and fall at The New Republic. Written and directed by Billy Ray, it stars Hayden Christensen as Gl*, Peter Sarsgaard as Charles Lane, Hank Azaria as Michael Kelly and Steve Zahn as Adam Penenberg. The film, appearing shortly after The New York Times suffered a similar plagiarism scandal with the discovery of Jayson Blair's fabrications, occasioned critiques of journalism by nationally prominent journalists such as Frank Rich and Mark Bowden.

Res*ution efforts

In 2015, Gl* sent Harper's Magazine a check for $10,000 – what he was paid for the false articles – writing in the attached letter that he wanted "to make right that part of my many transgressions...I recognize that repaying Harper's will not remedy my wrongdoing, make us even, or undo what I did wrong. That said, I did not deserve the money that Harper's paid me and it should be returned". Gl* has stated he has repaid $200,000 to The New Republic, Rolling Stone, Harper's and the publisher of Policy Review.

In 2000, Gl* graduated magna * laude from Georgetown University Law Center with a Juris Doctor degree and was named a John M. Olin Fellow in law and economics. He then p*ed the New York State bar examination in 2000, but the Committee of Bar Examiners refused to certify him on its moral-fitness test, citing ethics concerns related to his journalistic malpractice. He later abandoned his efforts to be admitted to the bar in New York.

Gl* clerked for D.C. Superior Court Judge A. Franklin Burgess, Jr. and interned for district-court judge Ricardo M. Urbina. In 2004, he was hired by Carpenter & Zuckerman, a personal injury law firm in West Hollywood, California. When joining the firm, a senior partner told Gl* that being exposed as a serial fabricator "is the best thing that ever happened to you. Now that you've fallen on your face, you can actually be a useful human being." Also remarking later, "brilliance that has overcome failure can be truly useful to your fellow man." Gl* is not licensed to practice law. At the firm he is listed as director of special projects.

Unsuccessful California Bar application

Gl* p*ed the California Bar Exam in 2006: 2  or 2007. In 2009, Gl* applied to join the State Bar of California. The Committee of Bar Examiners refused to certify him, finding that he did not satisfy California's moral fitness test because of his history of journalistic deception. Insisting that he had reformed, Gl* then pe*ioned the State Bar Court's hearing department, which found that Gl* possessed the necessary "good moral character" to be admitted as an attorney.

The Committee of Bar Examiners sought review in the State Bar's Review Department and filed a Writ of Review, thereby pe*ioning the California Supreme Court to review the decision. On November 16, 2011, the Supreme Court granted the pe*ion, the first time in 11 years the court had granted review in a moral character case. On January 3, 2012, Gl*'s attorneys filed papers with the Court arguing that his behavior had been beyond reproach for more than 13 years and this was proof that he had reformed.

On November 6, 2013, the California Supreme Court heard arguments in Gl*'s case and ruled unanimously against him in an opinion issued January 27, 2014. The lengthy opinion describes the applicant's history in minute detail, and rejected Gl*'s claim to have acted honestly since his deceptions as a journalist were revealed, instead finding "instances of dishonesty and disingenuousness persisting throughout that period".: 31  The court was particularly troubled by "hypocrisy and evasiveness in Gl*'s testimony at the California State Bar hearing",: 29  and further noted that he did not admit the full extent of his fabrications until the California State Bar moral character proceedings in 2007.: 2,29  Accordingly, Gl* was denied admission to the California bar.

Personal life

In 1998, Gl* met lawyer Julie Hilden in connection with his legal issues. They began dating in 2000, and married in 2014 after she was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. Gl* tended to her in their home in Venice, Los Angeles and hired a housekeeper and aides to stay with her while he was at work. Hilden died in 2018.


Fabricated articles

Many of the articles that Gl* wrote for The New Republic are no longer available online. Below are links to some of those articles which Gl* is suspected of fabricating in part or in whole:

  • "A Day on the Streets", for The Daily Pennsylvanian, June 6, 1991
  • "Taxis and the Meaning of Work", August 5, 1996
  • "Probable Claus", published January 6 & 13, 1997
  • "Holy Trinity", published January 27, 1997
  • "Don't You D.A.R.E.", published March 3, 1997
  • "Writing on the Wall", published March 24, 1997
  • "Spring Breakdown", published March 31, 1997
  • "Slavery Chic", published July 14 & 21, 1997
  • "The Young and the *less", published September 15, 1997
  • "Monica Sells", April 13, 1998


  • Gl*, Stephen (2003). The Fabulist. Simon & Schuster. ISBN:0-7432-2712-3.

See also

  • Claas Relotius
  • Ruth Shalit
  • Journalism scandals
  • Schön scandal
  • Fake news


    Further reading

    • Chait, Jonathan (July 2003). "Remembrance of Things P*ed: How my friend Stephen Gl* got away with it". Washington Monthly.
    • Lane, Charles; et:al. (June 1, 1998), "The editors: to our readers", New Republic, archived from the original on December 1, 1998 (First statement)
    • Lane, Charles; et:al. (June 29, 1998), "To our readers: a report", New Republic, archived from the original on September 2, 2000 (Second statement).
    • Rosin, Hanna (May 21, 2003). "Gl* houses: Stephen Gl* still doesn't believe in the world around him". Slate.
    • Rosenberg, Scott (May 14, 1998). "Hacker heaven, editors' hell".
    • Noer, Michael (May 20, 2003). "The New York Times scandal recalls Gl* episode". (Article about the Jayson Blair scandal, to which are appended links to many Forbes articles about the Gl* scandal)
    • McGinnis, Rick (June 28, 2005) . "A tissue of lies: The Stephen R. Gl* index". Archived from the original on November 18, 2018. – Complete list of Gl* articles, with known fabrications marked.