Leipzig University

People from Leipzig University


Name Title
Johann Ernst Glück German writer and theologian
Johann Friedrich Doles German composer
Johann Friedrich Gronovius German classical schoalr
Johann Friedrich Reichardt German composer and writer
Johann Georg Abicht Theologian
Johann Georg Graevius Dutch academic
Johann Georg von Eckhart German historian
Johann Gottfried Gruber
Johann Gottfried Jakob Hermann German classical scholar and philologist
Johann Gottfried Seume German writer
Johann Gottlieb Fichte German philosopher
Johann Gottlieb Gleditsch German botanist
Johann Gottlieb Heineccius
Johann Gottlob Carpzov
Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf German publisher and typographer
Johann Gottlob Leidenfrost German physician
Johann Gottlob Theaenus Schneider German classical scholar and naturalist
Johann Hedwig German botanist
Johann Heinrich Burchard German politician
Johann Heinrich Ernesti Philosopher and theologian
Johann Heinrich Gottlob Justi German economist
Johann Jakob Engel German philosopher
Johann Jakob Griesbach
Johann Jakob Reiske German schoalr
Johann Karl Burckhardt French astronomer and mathematician
Johann Matthias Schröckh German historian
Johann Schweighäuser German scholar
Johann Tetzel German seller of Indulgences
Johann Veit German gynaecologist
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe German philosopher poet and writer
Johanna Wanka German mathematician and politician
Johannes Baumann Swiss politician
Johannes Bell
Johannes Cuspinian Austrian academic and diplomat
Johannes Franz Hartmann Astronomer
Johannes Friedrich (bishop) German bishop
Johannes Popitz Prussian politician
John Charles Herries British politician
John Christopher Kunze American minister
John Henry Comstock American entomologist
John Kilian Sorbian pastor leader of the colony of Serbin Texas
Joseph Wedderburn British mathematician
Juli Zeh German writer
Julius Adolph Stöckhardt German chemist
Julius Kühn German agronomist
Julius Tröger German chemist
Julius von Kirchmann German jurist and philosopher
Julius von Pflug Roman Catholic bishop
Jurij Koch Sorbian writer
Arthur W. Ryder American scholar

Leipzig University (0 years)
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