Leipzig University

People from Leipzig University


Name Title
Martin Noth
Georgius Agricola Scholar scientist
Caspar René Gregory American-born German theologian
Karl Ludwig Kahlbaum German psychiatrist
Adolf von Harnack German theologian and prominent church historian
Charles L. Bouton American mathematician
Wilhelm Bousset
Alfred Einhorn German chemist
Adolf Hurwitz German Mathematician
Ferdinand de Saussure Swiss linguist
Albert Bernhard Frank German biologist
Alfred Vierkandt German sociologist
Jean Spiropoulos Greek lawyer
Bruno Meissner Assyriologist
George M. Stratton American psychologist
David Caspari
Stefan Vatev
Christos Pratsikas
Aleksandar Belić Serbian linguist
Samuel Holdheim German rabbi
Wilhelm Braune German philologist
Ferdinand Gotthelf Hand
Josef Fried Polish-born American chemist
Christian Thomasius German philosopher
Karl Richard Lepsius German archaeologist
Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher
Conrad Bursian German academic
Carl Friedrich Haase German obstetrician
Charles Zueblin American socioloigst
Daniel Gottlob Türk Composer organist and music professor
Karl Müllenhoff German philologist
Carl Darling Buck American linguist
Wilhelm Külz German politician
Alois Walde Austrian linguist
Walter Hermann von Heineke German surgeon
Nicolaus von Amsdorf German theologian and Protestant reformer
Hermann Bonitz German classical scholar
Adolph Strümpell German neurologist
Spandar Spandaryan
Joachim Jeremias german theologian
Frank Hugh Foster
Christian Lobeck
Stefanos Streit
Walter Tennyson Swingle American botanist
Nathanael Pringsheim German botanist
Albert Houtum-Schindler
Benjamin Osgood Peirce American mathematician
Albrecht Alt German Lutheran theologian
Hermann Brockhaus German orientalist
Charles Spearman British psychologist

Leipzig University (0 years)
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