Amico mio 30 years old

Amico mio

Amico mio is a 1993 Italian-German television series set in a children's hospital and stars Massimo Dapporto. The series, which focuses on the stories of Dr. Magri and his colleagues in the department of pediatrics of San Carlo di Nancy hospital in Rome, aired for two seasons on Rai 2 and then Canale 5, as well as on ZDF in Germany.


Désirée Nosbusch
Désirée Nosbusch

Dr.Angela Mancinelli

Karl Michael Vogler
Karl Michael Vogler


Christine Neubauer
Christine Neubauer

Micheles Mutter

Rüdiger Vogler
Rüdiger Vogler

Vater von Helen

Jutta Speidel
Jutta Speidel

Mutter von Helen

Pierfrancesco Favino
Pierfrancesco Favino

Giuseppe 'Beppe' Vanni


Name Character
Désirée Nosbusch She was 28 , now 59 years old as Dr.Angela Mancinelli
Karl Michael Vogler He was 65 , 80 years old when he died as Großvater
Christine Neubauer She was 31 , now 62 years old as Micheles Mutter
Rüdiger Vogler He was 51 , now 82 years old as Vater von Helen
Jutta Speidel She was 39 , now 70 years old as Mutter von Helen
Pierfrancesco Favino He was 24 , now 54 years old as Giuseppe 'Beppe' Vanni
Olivia Pascal She was 36 , now 67 years old as Mutter von Marco und Leo
Michael Lesch He was 54 , 69 years old when he died as Micheles Vater
Winnie Markus She was 72 , 80 years old when she died as Angelas Großmutter
Roswitha Schreiner She was 28 , now 59 years old as Ercoles Mutter
Billie Zöckler She was 44 , 70 years old when she died as Sister Platania
Katharina Böhm She was 29 , now 59 years old as Dr. Angela Mancinelli
Lisa Kreuzer She was 48 , now 78 years old as Angelas Mutter
Massimo Dapporto He was 48 , now 78 years old as Dott. Paolo Magri


Name Job title
Amico mio poster
Amico mio (30 years)


  • First Air Date: 1993-12-07
  • Runtime: [90] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 14