Hard 16 years old

Hard is a French television series created and produced by Cathy Verney, airing since 9 May 2008 on Canal+ in France, and later internationally. The series focuses on the pornographic movie industry. It is part of the "New Trilogy" collection on Canal+.



Name Character
Cécile de France She was 32 , now 49 years old as Herself
François Vincentelli He was 36 , now 53 years old as Roy
Charlie Dupont He was 36 , now 53 years old as Corrado
Natacha Lindinger She was 38 , now 54 years old as Sophie
Judith Davis as Clarisse
Stéphan Wojtowicz He was 45 , now 61 years old as Pierre Souchet
Anne Caillon She was 34 , now 50 years old as Mathilde


Name Job title
Stéphane Foenkinos Writing He was 38 , now 55 years old Writer
Benoît Pétré Directing He was 31 , now 47 years old Director
Hard poster
Hard (16 years)


  • First Air Date: 2008-05-09
  • Runtime: [26] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 30